Taught by: David J. Martin, photographer www.davidjmartin.com
Saturdays: October 13th, 20th, November 3rd
Beginners class: 1:00-3:00 p.m. $75 for 3 week workshop
Advanced class: 3:30-5:30 p.m. $75 for 3 week workshop
Location: Sacred Center New York, 330 West 38th Street, #704
BEGINNER class description:
In a hands on, easy to understand, and FUN! format, we will cover the basics of digital photography. Beginning students are those who are new to the world of photography and/or have little (or no) camera knowledge. Perhaps you are transitioning from film to digital…Or, you simply want to try out photography. Also, a good refresher course for people who have already taken my class.
ADVANCED class description:
You should already have a working knowledge of your digital camera and it’s basic functions including how to manually turn off your flash and change ISO setting. Be comfortable in referring to your camera’s manual - you will learn more about the creative. The focus of this class will be on creativity, composition, and finding your individual shooting style. Image presentation and turning your hobby into a money making craft will also be covered.
Weekly assignments will be given in both classes to help you create stunning and professional looking photographs …all while having some fun! Please bring your digital camera, batteries, memory card along with the camera's manual to the first class. If you are unsure of which class is best for you, please contact me to discuss.
*Reserve directly with David @ 917-309-8638 or email@davidjmartin.com