Tuesday, July 27, 2010

IMTA 2010-Theatrical Headshots Judge, David J. Martin

David J. Martin -Theatrical Headshots Judge for IMTA Competition 2010
I was judgemental today! The International Modeling and Talent Association held an event at the Hilton Hotel at 54th Street today. I was one of the judges for the Theatrical Headshots portion of the competition.  Unfortunately, judging was done by numerical score cards so i didn't get to verbalize my opinions but I still had fun and it was a great experience.. of power ;-)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Manhattanhenge, Tonight in NYC

This snap was taken last night at 33rd Street -which was just a preview to tonight's official sunset. "Manhattanhenge" is one of only a few occasions a year when the Sun sets in exact alignment with the Manhattan grid, fully illuminating every single cross-street for the last fifteen minutes of daylight. For best effect, position yourself as far east in Manhattan as possible. But ensure that when you look west across the avenues you can still see New Jersey. Clear cross streets include 14th, 23rd, 34th. 42nd, 57th.